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How i pack when traveling!

Hello again! So am pretty much excited like its my first time but anyway let get right into it, so am taking four suits, three jeans pants and a jeans dress. I start by rolling the jeans tightly to fit in my very small carry on bag, then I place all my tops on each other a roll them all together and place them in the bag. After i take the Two pairs of shoes am taking and place them in a small trash bag ( you can use a shower too). I take all my makeups ( the ones that I will need) and place them on a small zipe lock bag this is to avoid leaks and I  also did the same to my toiletries , be sure to cover the top of razers. To avoid your bras from Losing there shape you can place your under wears in the cup of the bra. I also place my jewelries in a small bag to avoid tangling. I also pack a small dressing bag to sport my dress! I also pack my flat iron to slay my hair. You maybe wondering what's in my toiletry bag. Well I have my toothbrush and paste, sanitary napkins you never know when that bad girl can appear, a small lotion , rollon, soap, perfume, combs etc.
Time for my personal carry on
My passport of course, my sun glasses, my hand sanitizer, water bottle, gums and snacks...
And that how I pack for my trip
Think am ready now, do u think so...
See ya😘


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